Random Thoughts – N.RAM – Foreword

‘Random Thoughts’ is a collection of 51 essays written by Thiru.V.Irai Anbu, a senior I.A.S. officer of Tamil Nadu under a fortnightly column in the  Madurai edition of THE HINDU Metroplus over 100 weeks.

For V.Irai anbu who is famous for his writing and oratorical skills in Tamil, this was a maiden sally into popular English writing. He chose his topics at random, from nature and human behavior.  Each essay of about 600 words contains words of wisdom from a man who has unquestionable depth of knowledge. ‘Random Thoughts’ is not an exercise in pontification but a portrayal of human behavior and beliefs.

V.Irai anbu in ‘Random Thoughts’, attempts to help the reader visualize abstract qualities through appropriate use of metaphor and imagery.  All the essays are laced with subtle humour  that has a functional use.  They need not be read as a philosophic treatise but as a common man’s observations of  human nature. It is like standing in front of a mirror and laughing at one’s own deficiencies.

Each work carries a distinct stamp: alliteration. A person famous for the musical use of Tamil in speech and writing has attempted it in English too, with considerable success. “When the mundane disappears,  the sublime surfaces.  We smell the extraterrestrial aroma and hear the extraordinary concert.  We stumble upon super consciousness and communicate sans world, sings and gestures.”

He has consciously chosen the simple sentence for structuring his work.  This structural device has helped him to load each sentence with meaning and also make the reader pause and contemplate on what he has read. “There is nothing called non-violent  revenge.  The very thought to attack is violent.  Pregnant anger is worse than delivered action”. No doubt the column attracted readers of all ages.

THE HINDU take pride in publishing the “Random Thoughts” of V. Irai anbu, which I am sure would be  cherished as a prized possession by the readers.